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Bereavement Allowance

After you are widowed you may be able to claim Bereavement Allowance. It is a taxable weekly benefit paid up to 52 weeks from the date of death of your husband, wife or civil partner.

A bereavement allowance may be claimed if all the following apply and you are:

  • A widow, widower or surviving civil partner aged 45 or over when your husband, wife or civil partner died
  • Not bringing up children
  • Under State Pension age (currently 60 for women and 65 for men)
  • your late husband, wife or civil partner paid National Insurance contributions (NICs), or they died as a result of an industrial accident or disease

Full details and claim forms regarding bereavement payments and allowances can be obtained from the Directgov website, Citizens Advice Bureau, Jobcentre Plus or by telephone 08456036967 you may contact our office for further advice.

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